Emergency Care
In case of emergency we ask that you to call ahead where possible, so that we can prepare for your arrival- this will allow us to triage your pet as quickly as possible when they arrive and also set up oxygen therapy and pain relief as needed.
We are available for non-emergency consultations on an appointment basis from 8:30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 8:30am – 5.30pm on Saturday and Bank Holidays.
Outside of these hours care remains available 24/7 for genuine emergencies by calling the usual number 01884 255336- all calls to our outside of our opening hours will be redirected to as needed.
Park Hill's out of hours emergency work is handled by St Boniface Veterinary Clinic based in Crediton. This clinic are staffed by their own dedicated team and will be working on our behalf to deliver emergency care to your pet. The big advantage to this is that there will be a vet and nurse dedicated on site all night to attend to the care of your animal.
This allows us to ensure the highest standard of care for your pet 24 hours a day.
In an emergency please phone the surgery as normal and you will be transferred to the on call vet. The emergency vet may offer advice over the phone or otherwise will arrange to meet you to examine and treat your pet at St Boniface Vets. Please note that there is an extra out of hours charge during unsocial hours.
Before 10pm the consultation costs start at £150 and after 10pm it starts from £250, with any treatments in addition to this. Payment for treatment will need to be made at the time of the consultation.
We will continue to deliver all our in-patient care as usual with a vet or nurse assigned to in-patient checks. In the instance that an animal has to be hospitalised overnight at a surgery the duty veterinarian will assess the frequency of checks required overnight.
In-patients are assessed on an individual basis- the majority can continue to be hospitalised at Park Hill, however complex cases may need to be transferred to St Boniface for ongoing overnight care.
We do not have staff on site at our surgeries 24 hours a day.
Below is a list of local Taxi companies who are happy to take pets in the event of you needing transport:
FRANKIES TAXIS – 01884 255333 – 24/7 availability including emergencies. Inform about pets at time of booking. Will take any size dogs and other animals.
LIZ CABS – 07899 903314 – Pre-booking service only, so unlikely to be able to take emergencies. Will take any size dogs and other animals.
CASTLE EXECUTIVE TRAVEL – 01884 256557. Only available between 5.30am and 5pm but able to take emergencies within these times. Will take any size dogs and other animals
TK TAXIS – 07759 544586 – Only available between 8am and 8pm. Not able to take emergencies. Allows dogs up to size of Labradors and other animals