Park Hill is equipped to perform all routine surgical procedures on site. We have a team of veterinary surgeons who carry out these procedures. We also frequently accommodate specialist orthopaedic surgeons from Rata Veterinary Surgery, who come to the practice to perform more advanced procedures on our behalf- including fracture repair, arthroscopy and cruciate ligament surgery. If a patient is in need of their expertise, they operate at our practice so our clients don't have to travel.
Our large purpose-built operating theatre is used for all our routine "clean" operations including all sterile surgical procedures such as neutering, lump removals, exploratory laparotomy, eye surgery and wound reconstruction, to minimise the risk of infection from wounds related to our "dirty" procedures such as dental procedures and attending abscesses, which take place elsewhere in the practice.
Our large prep area is where animals are anaesthetised and prepared for operations in theatre. Blood samples and minor procedures are also carried out here.
There will always be a dedicated nurse and veterinary surgeon to look after your pet whilst under anaesthesia and they are monitored on a regular basis during recovery to make sure they are coming round well.
We also utilise various pieces of equipment throughout the surgical process including multi-parameter monitoring through the surgery and diathermy, which allows us to cauterise blood vessels.
We are also fully equipped to undertake Keyhole (Laparoscopic) Surgery